Personalized English in the USA

Benvingut a Language Immersion / Welcome to Language Immersion


Estats Units és avui dia el millor lloc per aprendre i practicar el teu anglès. Les famílies reben els estudiants amb entusiasme i fan de la teva estada una gran experiència que recordaràs  per sempre més. A més, com que estaràs en un ambient de poble, evitaràs les aglomeracions d’altres estudiants.

The aim of this program is for students from different countries to experience the American culture by living with families and attending classes taught by experienced language teachers who focus on the real needs of the students and keep them interested and motivated.

The programme is designed for students of different nationalities between the ages of 13 and 19 and who have at least intermediate level but are still unable to communicate efficiently in English and need to acquire fluency as well as an authentic accent.


Fa decades que ens dediquem a l’ensenyament de l’anglès i aquest serà el cinquè any d’aquest programa amb gran satisfacció dels nostres clients. 

We've been in the business of teaching English for decades and this is our fifth successful year running this programme with great satisfaction from our clients. 


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